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2022 Q1 State of the Market
View our comprehensive analysis of recent market trends.
2022 Q1 Insight Report

Market Highlights

  • For the first time in 18 months, March experienced an increase in modern pre-owned jet inventory, up 13 aircraft versus February.
  • The recent increase in supply, a considerable portion from aspiration Sellers looking to exit at the perceived “top” of the market, and in most cases their inability to achieve their desired values, has created a temporary plateau in aircraft values. This pause in value appreciation provides many Buyers – most of whom have been waiting for some semblance of normalcy to return to the markets – with the confidence to execute a transaction.
  • Broad-based statements regarding market condition are more challenging as some markets, especially those that saw the greatest appreciation as a result of significant charter-fueled demand, are softening with increased inventory and more muted retail demand.

Market Value Trends

  • Aircraft values have increased by an average of 46.5% across the most-in-demand pre-owned jet markets year-over-year, with some popular models having increased by as much as 80%+.
  • Therein, some markets have even experienced aircraft value increases of 40%+ over the first quarter of this year alone.

Download the full report below for more details.

IADA Dealer Activity

  • The chart below includes data provided by the International Aircraft Dealers Association members regarding their sales-process activity. This data is important because it indicates how supply and demand should react in the near future.
  • March was the first month since February 2021 that newly signed-acquisition agreements did not exceed newly signed-sale agreements. Consequently, a net-positive 255 acquisition clients signed over the last 13 months now require a continued surplus of inventory to fulfill their aircraft purchases.

New Delivery Availability

  • Robust OEM delivery backlogs are now into 2024, which will continue to substantiate strong values for late-model aircraft, thus influencing both supply and demand for in-production fleets.
  • Fueled by a record number of first-time Buyers and corporate america’s long-awaited return to the market, the OEMs should enjoy another strong year of both orders and deliveries, despite the ongoing supply chain and human capital challenges that limit total production.