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2021 Q2 state of the market
View our comprehensive analysis of recent market trends.
2021 Q2 Insight

Market Highlights

  • Unprecedented demand and record Q2 transaction volume has reduced inventory levels across all market segments to the lowest levels ever recorded.
  • Late-model, current generation aircraft have been the biggest beneficiaries of the resurgence in new aircraft orders, with values up significantly and inventory levels of less than 3.5%.
  • Record aircraft utilization, historic charter demand, and first-time buyers continue to fuel the markets. Absent a systemic shock, values will continue to trend higher as inventory remains constrained.

Market Values

  • Aircraft values are up approximately 10% across all market segments YTD, with some markets up as much as 8% in the past 90 days.
  • Thanks to a dramatic increase in new aircraft orders and the resultant OEM backlogs, many of which extend well into 2022, late model (less than 5 years old) aircraft have experienced the strongest increase in values, with some markets up over 13% YTD.
  • Rising values show no signs of slowing thanks to continued strong demand and limited North American and European inventory.

A Struggling European Market

  • Loosening travel restrictions, coupled with lack of US-based inventory, have caused North American buyers to expand their searches to include Western European aircraft.
  • 80 aircraft have been sold by Western European owners YTD, which is an increase of 100% compared to 2020, or a 63% increase compared to a more standard year in 2019.
  • A slow recovery, both economically and from the pandemic, has turned Western Europe into one of the few “buying opportunities” in the current market.